This page contains general IDE options, applicable to all projects.
Projects path:
This is the folder where projects are searched or the default folder when creating a new project. The associated macro is $(myprojects).
Use extended file / folder dialog:
When checked, use the new extended file and folder choosing dialog. If not, use the standard Windows dialog. Default is ON.
Enable automatic default options setup with compilation directives:
When checked, compilation changes of options through directives will change default project options. Default is ON.
Show program variables addresses in code tree:
If checked the memory addresses of variables are added in the code tree. Default is OFF.
Show compiler progression:
When compiling, a dialog shows the compilation process, with details. Otherwise, only status messages are displayed at the bottom of the form. Default is ON.
Automatically close on successful compile:
If checked, when the compilation progression dialog is displayed it will close automatically at the end of the compilation process if no error has been detected. Default is ON.
Populate new program / unit with example code:
If checked, when a new file is created, the IDE will initialize it with a functional code example. These code examples are read from template files in the PMP's folder in the general public documents system folder. Default is ON.
Populate new program / unit with default XML documentation:
If checked, when a new file is created, the IDE will add a default pseudo-XML documentation as a header. Default is ON.
Show welcome message:
If checked, the PMP's welcome message popup is displayed at startup. Default is ON.
XML documentation popup hide delay:
When the mouse hovers a symbol, if there's an available XML documentation, a popup bubble is displayed, with some delay before to be closed. These bubbles have their own delay.
Check for updates frequency:
As of version 2.1, PMP's IDE may check periodically the Internet support site for new versions and display a message if some update is available.
The button at right launches the process immediately, and a popup message will display the current status.
Use default font in code tree:
If checked, the code tree is displayed in the same font as the main IDE window.
If not checked, the font defined in the editor's options, file type "text" is used instead.
Use default font in hints:
When the mouse is hovering a symbol, a popup bubble hint is displayed. If checked, the bubble is displayed in the default system font for hints, else the font defined in the editor's options, file type "text" is used instead.