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Microchip: Recently Released Software

Recently Released Software from Microchip Technology Inc.

MPLAB XC16 FuSa ReadMe  View ?

MPLAB XC16 FuSa ReadMe
(2022.05.18 10:43 PM)
MPLAB XC8 FuSa ReadMe for PIC  View ?

MPLAB XC8 FuSa ReadMe for PIC
(2022.05.18 10:23 PM)
MPLAB XC8 FuSa ReadMe for AVR  View ?

MPLAB XC8 FuSa ReadMe for AVR
(2022.05.18 10:22 PM)
PIC32CM LE00 Water Tolerant ULP Touch Kit Firmware  View ?

PIC32CM LE00 Water Tolerant ULP Touch Kit Firmware
(2022.05.16 8:38 PM)
MPLAB XC32 ReadMe  View ?

(2022.05.16 4:18 PM)
ATA8510 ATA8210 ATA8710 - XC8 based Software Project Template  View ?

ATA8510 ATA8210 ATA8710 - XC8 based Software Project Template
(2022.05.10 10:17 PM)
Thermal Management Utility (v1.5.10)  View ?

Thermal Management Utility (v1.5.10)
(2022.05.03 1:15 PM)
SAM-BA v3.7 for Linux  View ?

SAM-BA v3.7 for Linux
(2022.05.02 7:57 PM)
SAM-BA v3.7 for Windows  View ?

SAM-BA v3.7 for Windows
(2022.05.02 7:56 PM)
Hi-Resolution ADC Utility (v1.5.1.1)  View ?

Hi-Resolution ADC Utility (v1.5.1.1)
(2022.04.26 07:23 AM)
PAC193x library for 32-bit MCU platforms (v1.1)  View ?

PAC193x library for 32-bit MCU platforms (v1.1)
(2022.04.15 0:33 PM)
MCC 8-bit PIC v1.81.8 binary file  View ?

MCC 8-bit PIC v1.81.8 binary file
(2022.04.14 10:30 PM)
Microchip Bluetooth Data Mobile App Source Code Android  View ?

Microchip Bluetooth Data Mobile App Source Code Android
(2022.04.07 10:54 PM)
mXT336UD_0x1C_2.0.AA_PROD.enc.zip  View ?

(2022.04.05 8:48 PM)
mXT228UD_0x1D_2.0.AA_PROD.enc.zip  View ?

(2022.04.05 8:45 PM)
6-Port EtherCAT Coupler ESI File  View ?

6-Port EtherCAT Coupler ESI File
(2022.03.22 10:04 PM)
MCC - Touch Library - v2.91.0  View ?

MCC - Touch Library - v2.91.0
(2022.03.18 11:26 PM)
ADM01097 Firmware v2.1 (Harmony v3)  View ?

ADM01097 Firmware v2.1 (Harmony v3)
(2022.03.16 02:30 AM)
PAC193x IIO class Linux driver (v0.1.0)  View ?

PAC193x IIO class Linux driver (v0.1.0)
(2022.03.11 7:59 PM)
Advanced Software Framework v3.52.0  View ?

Advanced Software Framework v3.52.0
(2022.03.10 4:27 PM)
ADC Evaluation GUI (v2.1.0)  View ?

ADC Evaluation GUI (v2.1.0)
(2022.03.04 4:07 PM)
Advanced Software Framework v3.49.0  View ?

Advanced Software Framework v3.49.0
(2022.02.23 7:26 PM)
CryptoAuth Trust Platform Firmware Update R3.0.6  View ?

CryptoAuth Trust Platform Firmware Update R3.0.6
(2022.02.21 4:34 PM)
Foundations Services Library v 0.2.3  View ?

Foundations Services Library v 0.2.3
(2022.02.20 6:10 PM)
PAC193x library for 32-bit MCU platforms (v1.0)  View ?

PAC193x library for 32-bit MCU platforms (v1.0)
(2022.02.18 11:45 PM)
MCC X2C Library v1.12.0  View ?

MCC X2C Library v1.12.0
(2022.02.11 8:35 PM)
MPLAB X IDE Release Notes  View ?

MPLAB X IDE Release Notes
(2022.02.09 4:20 PM)
pic24-dspic33-pic32mm-1.171.1.mc3lib  View ?

(2022.02.09 04:59 AM)
MPLAB XC8 ReadMe for AVR  View ?

MPLAB XC8 ReadMe for AVR
(2022.02.07 10:30 PM)
MPLAB XC8 ReadMe  View ?

(2022.02.07 10:18 PM)

Last import : 2024.07.27 11:11 AM

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