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PMP V2.1.4 is available - by PPA 2017.01.05 2:07 PM

PMP V2.1.4 has been released here.

Happy New Year! - by PPA 2017.01.01 10:25 AM

I wish you all a Wonderful and Happy New Year!

Well, 2016 would be a year to forget for many reasons, and hopes for 2017 seem to remain only hopes in many places around the world.
Anyway, we all shall continue to try to make this world better and any humble pebble matters.

With PMP V2.1 I've added some interesting new features and strongly updated the manual, but most changes was internal with reworking of some mechanisms to be more "generic", preparing future strongest Pascal rules.
PMP will continue to grow up and no, there is still no plan to support other than 8-bit processors! But I'm considering other brands for the next decade...

As always, I wish to warmly thank all those who contributed to the development of PMP, their help is invaluable. I hope this new year will continue to be full of good collaboration, so feel free to participate: every little advise matters!

PMP V2.1.3 is available - by PPA 2017.01.01 09:42 AM

PMP V2.1.3 has been released here.

cadeau-48.pngPMP V2.1.0 is available - by PPA 2016.12.25 2:59 PM

Hi all,

Happy Xmas! The new PMP V2.1.0 has been released here.

Sorry for the late post, I discovered some last minute problems when trying test programs - as it must be - and finally I decided to release V2.1.0 as is, because it seems a bit complicated and I need time to fix it.
It is with the FP package, the EXP() function, used internally in some other functions (like POW); it seems to be not accurate in several cases; this is strange as the package has not been updated since a long time, so I did not expect that. I need time to investigate on this.

Anyway, please enjoy to discover this new version!

V2.1 New online help! - by PPA 2016.12.23 11:15 AM

As a primer for V2.1 the online help has been updated, it is available here.
(note that updated pages have a red light in its summary icon)

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