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Note #32 by vseglare 2011.11.22 7:28 PM

Was happy to find this and will test it as soon I have time, used turboPascal as preferred language in the 90 ies. Which is the simplest pascal for PC windows applications today?

regards Carl

Note #27 by David 2010.08.14 11:09 AM
Excellente implémentation de Pascal pour PIC.  Beau boulot.  Bravo !

Note #13 by mariano 2009.09.25 00:14 AM
Purtroppo non so scrivere in inglese o francese, ma i complimenti penso siano accettati in tutte le lingue...Complimenti per il programma e soprattutto perchè è freeware, ciò fa onore a chi mette a disposizione di tutti i propri talenti.Grazie di cuore ed ancora complimenti!!!

Note #12 by fred 2009.08.20 8:54 PM
As a long time user of Delphi it is really nice to see this great compiler for PIC. I started it up at once and ported and compiled the "hello world" lesson - worked like a charm!
/Keep up the good work

Note #6 by GrahamL 2008.05.01 03:49 AM

I like the look of this ... I've used TP from v3 (when it came on a single 5.25" floppy).  TP's obviously portable: we found TP code needed minimal or no changing to run on VAX Pascal.

Of course, what I *really* want is a Pascal compiler for the ds33 series. :l

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Sentence to think about :  Slow and methodical testing like this will eventually get you to a point where you will either be able to spot the bug, or go quietly insane. Maybe both.  Persistence of Vision 2.1 software documentation.
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