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cadeau-48.pngPMP V2.1.0 is available - by PPA 2016.12.25 2:59 PM

Hi all,

Happy Xmas! The new PMP V2.1.0 has been released here.

Sorry for the late post, I discovered some last minute problems when trying test programs - as it must be - and finally I decided to release V2.1.0 as is, because it seems a bit complicated and I need time to fix it.
It is with the FP package, the EXP() function, used internally in some other functions (like POW); it seems to be not accurate in several cases; this is strange as the package has not been updated since a long time, so I did not expect that. I need time to investigate on this.

Anyway, please enjoy to discover this new version!

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Sentence to think about :  The enterprise's computing [...] is just like of an archaeological site. [...] Deep inside, you find real fossils, calcified: the punched card is no longer physically there,
but one can find
its "footprint" on the latest hard drives, up to traces of organization in eighty "columns".
Pierre Vandevingste, La Recherche, december 1996
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