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cadeau.gifNew PicKit 2 software - by PPA 2008.11.03 10:51 AM

wink There is a new software release for Microchip PicKit 2. This new one brings a lot of good new functionalities. Click here.

Elektor comes to the USA! - by PPA 2008.10.10 8:02 PM

Elektor magazine goes to USA - full story

robot.gifPMP V1.2 released! - by PPA 2008.08.24 11:18 AM

cool PMP goes ahead! A new version is available for download! PIC18 support! FP support!

This new release is an alpha version, not fully tested: testers are welcome - fell free to report any bad feature or bug (please use the forum).

Well, it was a big job to port PMP to the PIC18 series and another one to include a floating point support (for PIC18 only)... Now it's stable enough to release an alpha version.

Some new goodies: write/writeln and read/readln standard procedures, along with better str/val support, IDLOCS support, ...
In the IDE too: now processor options is now fully supported in project options, with descriptions...

And many other pretty things, I'll let you discover them...

robot.gifSome good news... - by PPA 2008.06.26 6:47 PM

Hi pmp'ers!

Well, I was terribly occupied these last months and I had no time to dedicate to PMP. I started again one month ago and I rescheduled my always growing to-do list and began with the beginning...

cool And the results are:

PIC18 support is about to be finished, an alpha version will be released in July.
Plus: a lot of new good things...
Floating point library is about to be finished (it will only support PIC18 processors since it is memory hungry...). Scheduled release by end of July - begining of August.

Since PIC18 support and FP is nearly a whole new package, PMP may have a lot of new bugs...So: Alpha/Beta testers are welcome! Please feel free to post a message if you may spend some time to do testing.

Best regards,

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