What is called a "dynamic record" in PMP is a special construction of a standard RECORD that accepts static "methods" and "properties".
This is not Object Oriented Programming but a midway between classic programming and OOP.
It was fully integrated in Delphi some years ago and I found that it may be seen as a new way to manipulate data without all the stuff needed by OOP, so the footprint stays quite small in PIC programming.
tMyDynRecord = RECORD
function GetX: BYTE;
procedure Init(iX: BYTE);
property X: BYTE read fX write GetX;
procedure tMyDynRecord.Init(iX: BYTE);
fX := iX;
B1 := true;
B2 := true;
function tMyDynRecord.GetX: BYTE;
if B1 then Result := 0 else Result := fX;
MyDynR: tMyDynRecord;
if MyDynR.R = 0 then …
A method declaration is only allowed after the fields declaration, mixing fields and methods declarations is forbidden.
A method's body must be declared in the implementation section.
What dynamic records may do:
Well, first a dynamic record is a record, so it may be used as a record: it may be copied, cleared, used in a WITH statement, passed as a parameter and so on.
Then methods of a dynamic record may manipulate any field of the record without referring to the record itself (implicit WITH SELF clause).
What dynamic records do not have:
As this is not real OOP, a dynamic record cannot inherit anything from an "ancestor", so there's no constructors, destructors, virtual methods and any of the OOP concepts.
Compared to Delphi's records, they have no constructors, operators or methods overloading.
Dynamic records are not initialized except by the $INIT RAM directive (as any other variable in PMP).
How a dynamic record works:
A dynamic record method has an implicit VAR parameter that is always passed from the caller, called SELF: it is a pointer to the record itself.
To be clear: the method in the example above is implicitly equivalent to:
procedure tMyDynRecord.Init(iX, iY: BYTE; var SELF: tMyDynRecord);
with SELF do
X := iX;
Y := iY;
B1 := true;
B2 := true;
SELF is a reserved word that refers to the record itself within a dynamic record method only. Mainly, it is used to assign a pointer or to pass the record itself as a parameter.