If we want to know what is the Vdd voltage to say, elaborating a "low battery" condition, the normal way would be to measure it with a resistive divider on an analog input pin. This uses two resistors and a pin.
Fortunately, on most devices, there is the possibility to measure the internal VRef, and if we use Vdd as the analog range, the result is reverse proportional to Vdd:
function Low_Bat : boolean; // Check battery
{ Note: Battery sense uses VP6 reference so we always measure 0.6 V,
so a/d value is depending to VDD with the law: n = 0.6 * Max / Vdd,
so the a/d value is reverse proportional to Vdd;
so we can compute Vdd = 0.6 * Max / n;
Power is from a 3.6 V lithium battery.
We fix a low bat value to 3.1 V.
Max_Ana = 1023; // 10 Bits analog max value
VP6_Ref = 600; // 0.6 V = 600 mV
VP6_Ref_Error = - 25; // -25 mV error on vref (manual adjustement for fine tuning)
Low_Bat_Voltage = 3100; // 3.1 V = 3100 mV
// Low battery trigger value in analog raw binary value
Low_Bat_Trigger = (VP6_Ref + VP6_Ref_Error) * Max_Ana div Low_Bat_Voltage;
V : word;
{ A/D init: may be done once at program start-up }
ANSEL := 0; { Set selected channels mask }
ANSELH := 0; { Set selected channels mask }
ADCON1.ADCS := 5; { Set clock selection to FOsc/16 }
ADCON0 := [ADFM, ADON]; { Configure for 10 bits right justified, turn on the A2D module }
VRCON.VP6EN := true; { Activate A/D VP6 reference for Vdd measurement }
// Normally we have to wait a while here for settle time...
ADCON0.CHS := 13; { Select VP6 channel }
delay(5); { Wait 5 µS for A2D amp to settle and capacitor to charge }
ADCON0.GO := true; { Start conversion }
while ADCON0.GO_DONE do;
V := (word(ADRESH) shl 8) or ADRESL;
ADCON0.ADON := false; { Turn off AD to save power }
Low_Bat := V >= Low_Bat_Trigger;