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General documentation - PMP V1.6 user manual (Rev. B)

Creation date : 2008.06.28 8:01 PM
Last update : 2013.04.12 5:29 PM
Category : General documentation
Page read 29385 times

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Reaction #3 

by DevilMayCry 2011.12.14 08:29 AM

We're showing our client today how to use hair extension extensions to improve the way her hair extensions clip in looks. Now, what we're going to show you today is clip-ins. My name is Sylvia Russell, and this is how you can use clip-in weave hair extensions extensions.

Reaction #2 

by Diode 2011.10.14 03:41 AM

Great program with superb documentation.  It should be a great help to any Delphi programmers who want to develop PIC-base applications with minimal effort.  As a professional Delphi programmer I can appreciate the work that has gone into this, and the strategy of interfacing to existing rock-solid Microchip tools rather than reinventing the wheel is definitely the best approach!l

Reaction #1 

by oz1bv 2010.02.13 03:08 AM


As an old Pascal programmer I became interesting in reading about Pascal for PIC's

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Pierre Vandevingste, La Recherche, december 1996
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