PMP supports standard Pascal constant formats as well as additional ones that programmers like (sorry but octal, duodecimal and sexagesimal are not supported):
$<hex> hexadecimal constant (8..32-bit) (TP/Delphi format)
0x<hex> hexadecimal constant (8..32-bit) (C format)
h'<hex>' hexadecimal constant (8..32-bit) (MPASM™ format) (note 2)
0b<binary> binary constant (8..32-bit) (C format)
b'<binary>' binary constant (8..32-bit) (MPASM™ format) (note 2)
%<binary> binary constant (8..32-bit) (Some other Pascal format)
'<character>' single character constant (ASCII), evaluated as CHAR.
#n single character constant (ASCII), evaluated as CHAR.
#$<hex> single character constant (ASCII), evaluated as CHAR.
'<string>' string constant (note 1)
Note 1: Control character literals (TP / Delphi ^n form, or C \n form) are not allowed; for concatenation use the + operator construction..
Note 2: There is a special syntax behaviour for b'<binary>' and h'<hex>': spaces, dots, dashes and underscores are accepted inside the quoted string for improving readability; they are ignored.
NEW! (V2.0): If the $EXTENDED syntax is ON, literal numbers may also contain underscore characters for improving readability; they are ignored and cannot be at heading or trailing positions:
MyConst = 1000_000; // Only in extended syntax
MyHexConst = $FBCD_AA55; // Only in extended syntax
MyBinConst = b'0000.0101'; // $05
MySpecialChar = #$0d; // CR
MySpecialStr = 'Hello'#13#10'World!'; // 'Hello' + CR + LF + 'World!'