Returns the low bound of any variable or type.
For an ARRAY it is the lowest index.
For a STRING it is zero.
For an enumerated type it is the lowest value of the enumeration, which is zero unless an explicit value is given for the first element.
For a float it is the epsilon (positive smallest value).
Else it is the minimum value:
- LOW(boolean) returns FALSE.
- LOW( byte | word | longword | bigword | string) returns 0.
- LOW(shortint) returns = -128 ($80).
- LOW(integer) returns MININT = -(MAXINT + 1) = -32,768 ($8000).
- LOW(longint) returns MINLONGINT = -(MAXLONGINT + 1) = -2 147 483 648 ($8000 0000).
- LOW(BIGINT) returns MINBIGINT = -(MAXBIGINT + 1) = -9 223 372 036 854 775 808 ($8000 0000 0000 0000).
- LOW(single) returns approximately 1.4E-45 (not standard Pascal).
- LOW(real) returns approximately 1.2E-38 (not standard Pascal).