NEW! (V2.1) : PMP source files may contain special "triple-slash" comments to define documentation about the next identifier, it uses pseudo-XML syntax, as in Delphi.
Delphi syntax (all characters until end of line is a documentation comment):
documentation-comment = "///" documentation-text .
Note: The following rules are based on the Delphi documentation. Some Delphi features are not supported by PMP.
pseudo-XML documentation comments are:
The XML tags must be properly closed, such as <para>...</para>. If a closing element is not found, then the XML representation is invalid and the help floating bubble will not display correct information.
Example of a function with XML Documentation comments:
/// <summary>
/// IRQ-safe multi-byte counter write.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="NewValue">
/// The new value that will be written to the counter.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// Useless for a single-byte counter which may be written directly, if Quad_Changed flag is not needed.
/// </remarks>
procedure Quad_Write(NewValue: tQuadCtr);
XML Elements:
The following pseudo-XML tags are supported:
A summary of the target.
A paragraph.
Remarks regarding the target.
<param name="ParameterName">
The name of a specific parameter, with its description (using double quotes).
Reference to a specific type, symbol, or identifier. Future use as an hyperlink. Actually hyperlinks are not supported.
Description of the return value of the target function.
<author> or <copyright> or <history>
These elements are ignored and are not displayed in help bubbles.
Along with the elements above, the text may contain some simple pseudo-html formating tags like:
<b> text </b> : text will be bold-faced.
<u> text> </u> : text will be underlined.
<br> : forced end of paragraph (single tag, no closing tag).
Differences with Delphi XML documentation:
Currently the XML documentation is updated only after a compilation, as the code tree.
Text written on several lines are kept on several lines (no automatic concatenation).
Hyperlinks are not supported, they are ignored.