Returns the high bound of any variable or type.
For an ARRAY it is the highest index.
For a STRING it is the string's max length.
For an enumerated type it is the last element value of the enumeration, which is its length minus one unless an explicit value is given for the last element.
Else it is the maximum value:
- HIGH(boolean) returns TRUE.
- HIGH(shortint) returns 127 ($7F).
- HIGH(byte) returns 255 ($FF).
- HIGH(word) returns MAXWORD = 65,535 ($FFFF).
- HIGH(integer) returns MAXINT = 32,767 ($7FFF).
- HIGH(longint) returns MAXLONGINT = 2,147,483,647 ($7FFF FFFF).
- HIGH(longword) returns MAXLONGWORD = 4,294,967,295 ($FFFF FFFF).
- HIGH(BIGINT) returns 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 ($7FFF FFFF FFFF FFFF).
- HIGH(BIGWORD) returns 18 446 744 073 709 551 615 ($FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF).
- HIGH(single) returns approximately 3.4E+38 (not standard Pascal).
- HIGH(real) returns approximately 6,8E+38 (not standard Pascal).
- HIGH(string) returns the default string max length set by the $STRINGS directive (default is 16; not standard Pascal).