GOTO statement

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PMP supports program label and branch statements:

label-item-declaration = label-item ":" .
goto-statement = GOTO label-item .
label-item = identifier .

<label-item> must conform to the standard identifier format.

<label-item> is local to the current procedure, function, main program or unit initialization block, so a GOTO cannot jump outside of the current scope.

Forward label references are allowed in a PMP program.

PMP labels translate to an internal representation as for any identifier (prefixed with module name and procedure or function name).

[Spaghetti code]

FOR I := 1 TO 10 DO
   … // Do Something
   IF A THEN GOTO Label_A;
   … // Something not executed if A = TRUE
   GOTO Label_B;
   … // Something executed if A = TRUE

[Bad code]

FOR I := 1 TO 10 DO
   … // Do Something
   … // Do Something else

Well, everybody would say that this is not a good practice (indeed), but PMP will not flag it…